As a section formed in 2013 from the Special Populations Section, Bookmobile Roundtable, and GLBTI Roundtable, the Diversity & Outreach Section tries to bring programs to the NJLA Annual Conference that empower our peers to consider and engage underrepresented communities. In previous years, we have offered Conference programs focused on services to patrons with disabilities, LGBTQ patrons, immigrants, and more. We aim for our program attendees to walk away with renewed energy to serve their community in unique and meaningful ways.
One of our programs this year is called Let’s Listen: Presenting Diverse Oral Histories. Oral histories capture and preserve the stories, experiences, and memories of living people. It’s a way for communities to shape their own histories and narratives by sharing stories might otherwise be forgotten or erased. Our program will explore how public librarians can work with public historians to collect and preserve oral histories in the communities they serve!
We’ll hear from Kristyn Scorsone of the Queer Newark Oral History Project (QNOHP), founded in 2011 with the goal of preserving the history of Newark’s LGBTQ community. Just a sampling of their work includes recording interviews with queer Newarkers about their lives, conducting research into Newark’s LGBTQ past, and publishing online public history. For the past few years, QNOHP has been actively involved in the Telling Untold Histories Unconference, which brings together scholars, students, librarians, archivists, and community members for a day of listening and learning.
In addition, we’ll hear from two NJ librarians who will share the rewards and challenges of presenting oral histories in our libraries. Deena Caswell, Supervisor of Outreach and Diversity at Cherry Hill Public Library, will discuss the Trans Oral History Project and her signature program series “Pride @ the Library.” Kathleen DiGiulio will discuss her experience coordinating a Human Library project at Paterson Free Public Library, which was focused on highlighting the varied perspectives of those involved in war or personal, political, or social conflict.
Bring your questions, ideas, and energy as we discuss potential partnerships and practices with the goal of elevating the diverse voices in our libraries. Let’s listen!
With our friends in Urban Libraries, Reader’s Advisory, Reference, and more, we are also co-sponsoring the following programs:
Wednesday 5/30:
Practical Skills for Homeless, Addicted and Mentally Ill Patrons 10:00am to 1:00pm
Thursday 5/31:
Whose Voices Count? How Awareness of Harmful Stereotypes is Changing Collection Development 9:00am to 9:50am
Building and Maintaining a World Language Collection 11:30am to 12:20pm
Readers and Writers in the Library: Perfect Together 3:10pm to 4:00pm
News from the Talking Book & Braille Center 4:10pm to 5:00pm
Unifying Drum Circle 8:30pm to 9:30pm
Friday 6/1:
Transformative Conversations with "Problem Patrons" 9:00am to 9:50am
Engaging Books for Struggling Teen Readers and Adult Learners 9:00am to 9:50am
Best Practices in ESL/Adult Literacy Programs 2:30pm to 3:20pm
Inclusive Book Clubbing: How to Invite and Run a Book Club for Developmentally Challenged Patrons 3:40pm to 4:30pm
-Ally Blumenfeld, Diversity & Outreach Section