Ready, Set, Network at NJLA19!

Does the thought of meeting new people make you anxious? Do you dread meet and greets, the Pool Party, or mingling events? Are you worried you’ll forget something or run out of stuff to say? Whether it is your first conference or twenty-first, we have some tips and tricks to ease your anxiety, and make this year’s conference your personal best.

The theme of this year is Engage and Inspire, and as librarians, that’s exactly what we’re here to do! Engagement means meeting one another, and sharing our ideas and inspirations. NJLA is one of the best opportunities we have for just that, and with these top tips, you’ll be conference ready and networking in no time!


Prepare it:

If your library has a branded business card, do bring those, but if not, you can have them professionally printed by VistaPrint, or you can DIY with and some card stock. If cards aren’t in the cards for you right now (see what I did there), bring a notebook and some pens- you can take down someone’s information, and follow up with them post conference.



Bring it:

Bring a tote or a book bag, a water bottle, and a reusable coffee mug if that’s your jam- at almost every session, you can get water, and there are some coffee breaks available. Bring a portable phone charger- even if you think you won’t need one. Trust me, you probably will. And your phone is a great way to take notes, pictures, and see links during sessions. If you’re known to get hangry, remember some portable snacks so you can be on your game all conference long!



Wear it:

Do you have the cutest pair of shoes, or the best button down, but they just don’t fit right? Ditch ‘em. At the conference, you want to be confident and comfortable- and sometimes that means swapping the perfect looking ballet flat for the perfect fitting pair of sneakers. You should also think about wearing something people can comment on. If you’ve got a stylin’ lanyard, a signature pair of glasses, a kitty cat cardigan, or a nerdy tote, this is the time to break it out.


Share it:

Consider making yourself “that person who…” by bringing candy, snacks, or even extra pens to share when you’re in sessions or meeting people. It’ll be an easy way for new people to identify you- “I’m the person with the LifeSavers, it was great meeting you during Erin and Morgan’s awesome networking session!”



Be it:

Remember-- Be YOU! We’re all here to connect, network, hang out, talk nerdy things, and generally be our awesome librarian selves. Don’t be afraid to invite yourself into a conversation- you never know who you might meet!


And remember, attend our session, You Can Sit With Us- we’re offering even more top tips and quality banter (and probably memes, if we know ourselves). Our session is on 5/30 at 9:00am in Wildwood 6/7. See you there!


-Morgan Taylor, 2018-2019 Conference Committee with Erin Hughes (Carlstadt Public Library)