Program Spotlight from the Readers' Advisory Roundtable


Are you ready to take your readers' advisory to the next level? NJLA's Readers’ Advisory Roundtable has put together a fantastic slate of programs for the #NJLA18 Conference this year! If any part of your day includes helping people find materials, these programs are for you.


As libraries collect more and more materials for circulation, librarians gain more advisory responsibilities. Are you doing more and more reader's advisory for library materials that aren't books? Come to Media Advisory for the “Cool” Librarian on Friday 6/1 from 2:30 - 3:20 PM! The session will focus on how to provide media advisory that encompasses music, movies, and video games. This panel of media lovers will provide us with resources and insider tips on the best practices for providing the most up to date information on all things multimedia.

Readers' Advisory will also host a Book Club and Brown Bag Lunch on Friday 6/1 frp, 12:30 - 2:00 PM. Join your colleagues for a lively lunch as we discuss “This Book is Overdue” by Marilyn Johnson.  Bring your own lunch or choose the boxed lunch option when you register. There will be a raffle at the end of the event!

Also make sure you visit the Readers' Advisory table for a book/ARC swap & a button exchange.  Bring books you’ve read and would love to share or ARCs that you’d like to pass along and take something you may not have seen before. While you’re doing that, check out our button exchange.  We all have collections of buttons and pins that have found their way to our drawers. Use this time to exchange them for something you’ll display or wear. Come check out what we’ve been up to this year and learn more about getting involved!


Other Readers’ Advisory programs of interest include: