Program Highlights from the Children Services Section

All right my fellow youth librarians, brace yourselves for what you have been waiting for: a look at the fantastic CSS sponsored programs you should attend at #NJLA19!


The NJLA Conference is a great way to connect with fellow librarians, bring back new ideas to your library, and relax a bit before the madness of our summer reading programs begins...and perhaps also have a little fun at the slot machines #shakethemdiceandrollem

PRECONFERENCE PROGRAM: Wednesday, May 29, 2019 - 2:00pm to 5:00pm

Exclusively Inclusive: Tips and strategies from Professionals outside Libraryland

Do you struggle with knowing how to develop inclusive youth services programming? In this presentation, you will hear from experts from the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, including a physical therapist, occupational therapist, pediatrician, and audiologist. You will learn tips and strategies for ensuring your programs are accessible to ALL children with various needs. Join your colleagues for a highly interactive panel discussion on this important topic!

Thursday, May 30, 2019

COUNTDOWN: From sketch to (illustration) space launch!

9:00am to 9:50am

Strap on your jet packs and join illustrator-author Leeza Hernandez as she takes you on a behind-the-scenes tour of how the artwork for the 2019 Summer Reading Program campaign—A Universe of Stories!—came to life. In this interactive session she’ll help you blast ideas out of your own imagination and onto paper, and chat about what it means to have a visual voice. Plus, Leeza will discuss ways to overcome creative block, guide audience participants through a character-building activity and share tips on how to incorporate it into lesson plans. Session concludes with a brief Q&A. Follow Leeza on Instagram: @leezaworks

Feast on This: Show and Make

12:30pm to 2:00pm

Calling all makers, crafters and tech lovers! Enjoy a casual, catered buffet lunch with fellow Conference attendees. Avoid restaurant lines and the anxiety of figuring out how to spend the 1.5 hour break. Throughout this lunch, you will have a chance to meet with your peers as presenters travel from table to table informally leading discussions about a variety of programming ideas. Have a program you want to share? Now is time! Each participant will walk away with new ideas to execute at their libraries. Look forward to lunch this year – we’ve figured it all out, so you don’t have to! Tickets for this lunch can be purchased from the Conference Registration

Building Kindness and Compassion: Resources to Help Children Address Social and Emotional Learning

3:10pm to 4:00pm

Kids model their behavior after what they see others doing and increasingly many are imitating the incivility exhibited by those around them in today’s cultural climate. How can we help them become more considerate towards others? The panel will offer books, programming and other resource suggestions to help elementary and middle school-aged kids address social and emotional learning (SEL). These resources can help them cope with bullying, provide tips on conflict resolution and encourage them to be more respectful and empathic towards their peers and others.

Curriculum Standards 101 for Public Librarians - The Roadmap to Collaboration

4:10pm to 5:00pm

Collaboration between schools and public libraries can sometimes hit a roadblock as school year timelines get tighter and buzzwords like "Common Core", "State Learning", and "Next Gen" get more cloudy. This session will demystify the curriculum standards in NJ public schools and provide a roadmap for collaboration. Hear from real teachers and School Librarians and learn how to speak the same language so that your library can better communicate with and support your public schools.

Friday, May 31, 2019

Wa[i]ve Goodbye to Fines!

11:30am to 12:20pm

Instead of waiving fines, is it possible to wave goodbye to fines for good? Different-sized libraries tell their stories about how they have eliminated fines for children and teens (and more?) at their libraries and why you should too.

Libraries for All: Inclusive Library Services for children with disabilities and their families

11:30am to 12:20pm

NJ libraries are committed to providing quality programming and services to all members of our communities, but are you reaching the special needs populations? In this presentation, participants will learn:
how to create and adapt existing programs and services to enhance the experiences for children and teens with special needs
Create tips and get new ideas by learning what others are doing to support this demographic at their library
How to reach out to or connect with this demographic population in the community

After school with Middle School

2:30pm to 3:20pm

From management tips to programming, hear firsthand from youth services librarians across the state as they address the increased need for after school programming with middle school children. Librarians will offer tips on collaborating with schools, across departments, and more.



Ready, Set, School! Joyful Early Childhood Programming

2:30pm to 3:20pm

Explore the public library’s role in school readiness by learning about preschool programming that builds excitement around reading and learning early on—building a foundation for library support and educational success. We’ll share ideas to engage your community’s families in the joy of open play, with hands-on examples of literacy-inspired S.T.E.A.M. activities that you can recreate. With books, songs, and activities, children and caregivers practice motor and social skills while having lots of fun!

In Be(Tween): program planning for tweens

3:40pm to 4:30pm

Do you have fabulous attendance at your children’s programs but not at your teen programs? Why not add tween programs to your library’s calendar? Wondering what a tween is and why it is good to host programs for them? Come and find out at our session, where will we present multiple program ideas and touch on collection development for tweens, with a focus on graphic novels.

Discover ALSC’s Notable (Outstanding! Distinguished! Just Plain Great!) Children’s Books

3:40pm to 4:30pm

Every year the Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) selects notable books of “especially commendable quality” which “exhibit venturesome creativity.” This list includes fiction and nonfiction titles for birth through 14. This program will describe the process of developing the list and introduce our favorites on the 2018 list.

Participants will learn how the 2018 ALSC Notables list can benefit their library and school collections, with particular attention to diversity titles.
Participants will learn how to promote the ALSC Notables
Participants will leave with a list of curated titles for Grades K-8.



Click here to see the full schedule of events co-sponsored by CSS at this year's Conference. 

See you in AC!

PS: And don’t forget to sign up for the Garden State Book Awards Luncheon on Friday, May 31 from 12:30 – 2 PM (one of my favorite Conference events to attend)! This year’s guest speaker at the luncheon is Lisa Lucas, who is the Executive Director of the National Book Foundation. Prior to joining the Foundation, she served as the Publisher of Guernica Magazine and the Director of Education at the Tribeca Film Institute.


--Lynnette Fucci and the 2019 NJLA Conference Committee