kvasilik's blog

Program Announcements

Thank you for your patience! We know that you are anxiously awaiting news of accepted program proposals. Over the next week or so, the Conference Committee will be sending correspondence to all those who submitted program proposals for the 2018 Annual Conference to provide further information!

(Note: This post has been edited and updated. The original post lives on the Conference Blog.)

Program Announcements Coming Soon!

This week, program organizers will be receiving an email from the Conference Committee Chairs informing them of the program proposals accepted for the 2017 Annual Conference! We had over 100 fantastic submissions this year for all types of events -- regular sessions, double sessions, engaging preconference sessions, social events, lunch opportunities, and more! We're really excited about this year's events, and we can't wait to share all of the details with you!

Exhibit Hall Highlights

Whether or not you are the one doing the purchasing for your library, and whether or not your library’s budget resembles the budget of a Hollywood Blockbuster or, well, a public library, there are so many things to gain from viewing the exhibits.

1. Learn something new! The exhibitors hall is a unique opportunity to meet a representative from a brand your library already works with and learn something new about an existing product.

Poster Sessions on the Edge

Poster sessions at the NJLA Conference are a great place to find out about cutting edge technology projects and hear about new ideas for library programs. This year we have three scheduled one-hour sessions when you can meet the poster authors and ask questions about their projects:

1) Tuesday at 11:15AM, which features library student research

2) Public and special library projects on Tuesday at 2:30PM

3) Final session on Wednesday before lunch at 11:15AM featuring college and university library projects


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